Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fonseca Guimaraens Vintage Port 2005

I love port. Actually, I love really good port, and like any wine, its not all created equal. One of the larger names, Fonseca puts out many types of strong, powerfull and rich port, like ruby, tawny and diverse vintages. We purchased a 2005 Guimaraens Vintage upon recommondation from the sales clerk and as much as Paolo liked, for me it just wasnt working. Dark ruby red with a thickness that stuck to the glass, maybe it was too young, but it wasnt what I was looking for in an after dinner drink. Oak wood, dark cherry, herby- maybe hints of rosemary or mint and black pepper, but the scent that overpowered everything was the alcohol (a whopping 20.5%). The cherry smell continued onto the palate, as did the alcohol, but most of all the taste seemed medicinal. You could tell it was still young, but I think with time it could be an interesting wine. We tried it with 70% dark chocolate- the perfect pair- and I was reminded of those little alcohol filled chocolates that people give you during the holidays or for valentines day. Overall. I'm probably making this port to be worse than it is- it's not bad, just needs time.

Mi piace il porto. Anzi, mi piacciano i buoni porti e come tutti i vini non sono fatti uguali. Uno dei più importanti produttori è Fonseca, crea numerose variazioni sul tema come il Tawny, il Ruby e i vintage diversi. Abbiamo comprato un Guimaraens Vintage 2005, consigliato dall' enotecario. Rosso rubino intenso,cosi denso quasi da attaccarsi letteralmente sul bicchiere. Forse era troppo giovane comunque non quello che pensavo per il mio drink dopocena. I profumi spaziavano dalla quercia bagnata, ciliegia, erba- note di rosmarino, menta e pepe nero, sfuggiva al controllo la componente alcool, troppo smisurata (20,5% dichiarato in etichetta). Il gusto della ciliegia predomina in bocca, purtroppo come l'alcool, ma sopratutto mi ricordava una medicina. Il vino era giovane sicuramente può migliorare con il tempo. Assaggiato assieme ad un quadratino di cioccolato fondente al 70%, è un abbinamento straordinario.

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